Getting the bag

March 2, 2023

It is not hard to make money, especially if you are in good health.  Set your mind on it and find a way to solve a problem for a niche group. The internet age is an avenue you can use to accomplish this task. Here are some creative ideas to get that bag of money:

Direct video marketing

  • Paid on demand
  • Vimeo

Sponsored Content

  • Pay per performance
  • Flat rate
  • Cost per action

Joint Venture Partner

  • You sell on your platform and get commission
  • Network Marketing but be cation on pyramid scheme
  • Selling tangible products

Making money moves

December 1, 2022

What is a money move? It’s about getting paid; now how do you get it? Well, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and jump off that cliff. When you see people being and having what you want, don’t envy them (Jamaicans call it badmind) for they took that parachute and headed towards the door, while the plane was still in the air. Now for some, the parachute trip was not a smooth flight path. Many hit bumps and rocks but eventually, they make it down from the sky to tell their story about financial success. Here are some ideas towards making the money move:

  1. Create informational products and sell it on line. Providing people with detailed steps on how to do something for what they need will pay you.
  2. Purchase rental property. Whether it’s a two flat or a complex, people need to place to live. Entrepreneurs solve problems.
  3. Try affiliate marketing. How affiliates work is that a company will give you commission whenever you provide a sale for their product. It can be as easy as placing a link on your website. Not bad, if you can anticipate the customer’s needs.
  4. Earn income from stocks. All you have to do is own a piece of company and stocks can be bought as cheaply as $5.

Walking into your destiny

October 1, 2022

Look into the mirror and say “I am beautiful and deserve the universe’s blessings”. Believe it and it will be so. Yes, if no one else says it, you say it and believe this. Self-love is so important. Why? Because loving your self allows the impossible to become possible.

                Unemployed or in a stagnant job, self-love will lead you to keep trying new, innovative ideas. Usain Bolt is the fastest human because he loved himself enough to stay away from drugs, remain in the gym to develop his muscles and practice on the track perfecting his technique. Self-love waters the soul and creates harmony.

                Musicians’ understand the impact of vibrations, melody and harmony. Bob Marley’s self-love told him that good things do come out of Trench Town. Bob sang about his experiences, making the best out of his surroundings. Some of Marley’s lyrics explored the depths of the human condition, which resonated with others worldwide.

                The only way to walk into your destiny is to take one step at a time. In Malcolm Gladwell’s book the Outlier, he stated that a minimum of 10,000 hours is required for anyone to reach the zenith of the objective, so don’t worry if your dreams and goals are taking a while. Whatever is supposed to be for you, Karma will bring it to you. Now deep breathe, and breathe and breathe.

The Feedback

August 2, 2021

Why is feedback important? For aspiring entrepreneurs, this is the lifeblood for your idea. How else would one know if your idea will appeal to your potential customer? When tapping a niche, information is your friend. Whether you think this is fair or unfair, the feedback is your friend and stands behind leadership decisions. When you learn about the public’s needs and desire, keep moving forward and don’t undervalue what was observed. Here are some gems for decision making:

  1. Be open to the idea of being wrong. Perfection is poison, so make room for improvement.
  2. Stop pointing fingers and pull the thumb. It is not about who is right or wrong but how we can fix things.
  3. When we have real talk in real time, actions produces change.
  4. Comparison is the theft of joy. It is not about the other person but how will you face reality and consider what is plausible.
  5. Don’t settle but have goals that are measurable in progress. Having a goal without a why is pointless to your agenda.

Natalee’s letter

October 1, 2020

Written by Natalie Clark Richards


During this time of global pandemic where COVID-19 has caused us to literally go inward. I imagine I have at least one person who is doing some inner reflection and having great memories of sweet, sweet Jamaica. Like myself, you are grateful for all the lessons and fun over the years. During self-reflection, I wrote her this letter.

Dear Jamaica,

I truly miss you; I reminisce on the days I grew up in the hills of St. Ann. I would wake up before the sun rises, and watch its entrance over the majestic mountains, listen to the birds sing, the butterflies flutter by, the smell of the fresh morning dew and the harmony of nature.

I love how relaxed and at peace I feel when I spend time with you. You truly know how to calm my spirit and set my mind at ease. Jamaica, when I spend time with you all I see is abundance. You are creative, vibrant, joyful and have a divine spirit. These are the same sentiments I seek within me and share with the world. Thank you for teaching me, and showing me, I already have that which I seek.

Jamaica, I love you so much, being away I am able to see your true strength. You are resilient, creative, confident, bold and courageous. You stand tall and own your beauty, you know you were meant to be here, to share your love with others and also tell them of their beauty and courage.

I know you have had some challenges, we all do. I am always captivated by your ability to rise above the challenges, to keep going and reaching toward your goal. When I am apprehensive, I am also reminded of my exceptional ability within me to rise above and grow through to new opportunities.

Jamaica, I love you! I am overjoyed to say I really know what it means to say No weh no betta dan yaad! No problem man! Nuff respect!

If you have never been to my Island, or it has been a while since you have soaked up her beauty. You owe yourself a travel treat. Enjoy & One Love!


September 1, 2020

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In my book, “Leave The Rat Race To The Rats”, I deal extensively with racism from a very unique perspective. I blame racism on what Occupy Wall Street refer to as the 1%, the richest one per cent of America who dominate American politics. Instead of calling them the 1%, I refer to them as American Supremacists. Here is an excerpt on racism from my book:


Blacks have been and continue to be the victims of racism in America. It is worst in the ghetto. They have suffered at the hands of whites. Even today there is still hostility between blacks and whites because of this. But alas, most people have missed the big picture. Racism is unnatural. Black and white kids play together to grow up as enemies. Why? Because as Rodgers and Hammerstein points out in “South Pacific”, “you have to be carefully taught, you have to be carefully taught”. Racism has not only been carefully taught, but it has been promoted and exploited for political gain by the 1%, the American Supremacists. Even the worst crime committed against black people, slavery, was not done for the benefit of white people. It was done for the benefit of the 1%. Lots of white people lost their jobs to slaves, just like lots of Americans are losing their jobs to near slave labor overseas.

Many white people think these promoters of white supremacy and white privilege care about them. What folly! Do these American Supremacists care that millions of white people do not have basic healthcare? Do these American Supremacists care that jobs for white Americans are being sent overseas wholesale? Do these American Supremacists care that millions of white workers do not make a living wage? Do they care that millions of white workers are losing their full-time jobs to become part-time, thus losing job benefits like pensions, promotion opportunities, job security, vacation and sick leave? Not only do they not care, but they oppose them. They do not care about black people but they do not care about white people either. The way to fight racism is to fight divide and conquer. Too often fighting racism worsens conditions between white and blacks to the delight of the 1%. The solution lies in the goodwill-to-all revolution. The solution lies in the pursuit of goodwill towards all. In the ghetto, we will seek to use the goodwill revolution to eliminate racism. All America will be next.”

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  1. Memba a go undaneat the cellar fi the fowl egg (yes I do)


  1. Memba playing “Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack, All Dressed In Black Black Black”


  1. Memba a kick foot ball wid yu fren dem roun’ a ball grong


  1. Memba when Cristmus come and we watch JohnCunu jump up and down and we get fraid?


  1. Memba yu madda sen yu go a shop and yu sing the list all the way deh … “one pint milk, one bread, 1 lb a flour. But when yu reach deh, yu tell the shop keeper yu want “1 pint of bread, 1 lb of milk & a flour


  1. Memba when yu last yu madda money and yu fraid fi go back home because she might beat yu


  1. Memba settin up the roosta dem fi fight


  1. Memba all dem good duppy story, and nancy story wi ‘ear growing up


  1. Memba how yu use to fraid fi walk a night cause yu tink sey black-heart-man woulda tek yu weh


  1. Memba when bokkle cut yu foot bottam dung a gully


  1. Memba when yu use to stone Missa Smith mango tree dem, and we use to tink seh him have gun


  1. Memba when yu left all day and go a rivva an go cook and when yu come come yu get a beaten


  1. Memba when yu unifarm get dirty Monday marning, and Yu madda beat yu ina di evening



  1. Memba when yu and yu fren dem decide seh unu a go run a boat, the biggest cart wheel dumplin yu eva si!


  1. Memba when coming fram school ina di rain and yu tek off yu shoes and walk barefoot all the way home a race board horse inna di gutter water


  1. Memba when dem use fi gi weh free milk powder and bulga rice a school, an’ yu play milk powder war all the way home


  1. Memba when dem good rice and peas and chicken Sunday dinna with a nice refreshing glass ah carrot juice


  1. Memba when yu ‘ave roast breadfruit and ackee and salt fish breakfast jus’ barely a day afta yu Saturday Peas soup wid cho-cho, turnip, carrot an’ punkin


  1. Memba when teacha beat yu because yu neva do yu homework


  1. Memba marning time when yu reach a school jus in time fi devotion and yu betta mek sure yu ave yu hym book and yu bible, yu pleat dem betta in order and yu khaki well starch


  1. Memba dem good ole starch uniform ( coudda stan up by demself ) and yu nice shine brown or black shoes


  1. Memba when yu madda use fi seh “Go pick a switch mek a beat yu”

How can you create wealth?

December 2, 2019

What is wealth? Is it a salary? Is it an income? From an economics perspective it is all things that have a monetary or exchange value, as well as anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged. Many people wonder what the best way to attain wealth. Well, here are some ways to acquire it:

  1. Have a sound framework on what are your interests.
  2. Own a few high quality business
  3. Use other people’s money prudently
  4. Have a long term investment strategy

They are other types of wealth such as health, good family and true friends. They don’t have a monitory price but just as valuable. To maintain or obtain those intangibles, keep the following in mind:

  1. Time is valuable, use it wisely
  2. Integrity is everything
  3. Physical presence carries more weight than a phone call or an email
  4. Be humane; treat others how you want to be treated for bad karma will visit you.

A leaders View

November 1, 2019


Good leaders are able to asses a situation and foreshadow its future. They take what is in from of them and create a blueprint that will enable them to stay relevant.  All organizations have a leader; whether it is home, school, work one person has to set the agenda for the group’s survival. Are you up to the task? All leaders must consider the following:

  1. Time       It maximizes production and minimizes stress.
  2. People    They use people’s talent effectively under proper supervision
  3. Money     Use as a tool not as a weapon bill have to be paid and goals can be accomplished
  4. Pronoun This is the difference between manger and leaders. There is no I in we; remember to use we, us and ours.
  5. Meetings Make sure it has a purpose and agenda or else there will be no incentive to attend the future ones.
  6. Networking This strengthens the organizations ecosystem. You learn from others, for no one is an island.
  7. Vision Tie the past position to the future. You can mark accomplishment based on how far you have come to where you are going.
  8. Teams  Give some power and authority to others in the group, so they feel their presence is valued.
  9. Transparency For a group to survive, integrity is everything. It should be real time, real talk to issues and no surprises.

The year may have begun with a bang. It was filled with promises such as I am going to make it to the gym as a regular part of my weekly routine. For a while that was the case but that lasted only for a while. Remember it’s not now your start but how you finish. Here are a few ways to hit the reset button:

  1. Take on some me time. No matter what commitments you have to others, you must take a breather.
  2. Run-through declarations of bright. Showing appreciation gives you a chance to improve how you speak about inspiration and acknowledge people who have made a favorable mark in your life. By showing how grateful you are will let your supporters know they are not being taken for granted.
  3. Place the phone on voice mail mode. Unfortunately, people interaction is becoming more social media rather than one on one facetime. The human touch or eye to eye contact still carries more weight than a quick text.
  4. Create a spark. Don’t let self-care be just a buzz word. Truly reclaim it for real happiness. Create boundaries for if you don’t, what will be left for you? Rest and retreat is a must. Attend yoga classes or get regular messages. Also, meditation will settle you for the hectic events that will come your way.

Forward Thinking

June 3, 2019



Be firm with me and I will lay the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will ruin all. What am I? I am a habit!

-Roberto Blake-


Many of the established not for profits groups are run by the older generations and this is a good thing for they can give wisdom and insight but it can also be a hindrance. To my surprise when I was in the middle of creating an online directory for the community, I was shocked to find out that some of the not for profits did not have a website or a social media presence; therefore,  I went on a mission to find out why. It was – habit. Many were still using standard mail and phone calls to promote their events; the concept of Eventbrite was unknown or discouraged.

I did attend some of their events and as suspected, they had mostly older people in the audience.  Nothing is wrong with that but how can an organization remain relevant for the next generation without creating incentives to have them in attendance to these cultural events? Why is everybody protecting their turf but not including gen x,y and z? I am not disrespecting my elders but one cannot move forward by maintaining old habits. New ecosystems will have to be created in order to attract a younger crowd.

Here are some recommendations:

  1. Don’t feel threatened with new ways of communicating. Young people are attached to their phones and that is the way to get their attention. Use social media and create websites.
  2. Have relevant performers at the events. Yes, the vintage ones can be perform but have some current artist perform as well.
  3. Don’t hate on younger people with fresh ideas invite them to join the boards or involved in the planning committee. In other words: no poison mouth, bad mind or red eyes. The youth bring something to the table, which will keep your organization alive.
  4. Know your worth. Complement and don’t compete; this is the best expansion concept one could ever move towards for your legacy depends on it.